
Our Founder


Meet Rick L. Poole

Hi, I’m Rick Poole: founder and owner of Natural Foods + Juice Caboose. 25 years ago I opened my first juice bar and natural grocer location with a mission to add value to people’s lives through education, information, and offering the very best products in the universe. We offer vitamins, herbs, organic juices, and plant-based smoothies free from added sugars or concentrates. They contain whole food cellular supplements for powerful healing and vitality.

In 1980, I lost my dad to lung cancer and in 1984, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I refused chemotherapy and radiation. This is why I became interested in alternative options to cancer treatment and began exploring integrative and complementary health approaches.

When I was diagnosed in 1984, one in 267 people developed cancer. Today, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are diagnosed. Something is wrong with this picture! It is my belief that 90% of all chronic metabolic issues and illnesses are caused by poor eating choices, habits, and beliefs. It is my goal to make a difference in people’s lives by educating and providing resources on how to make better choices regarding diet, exercise, and lifestyle. I invite you to visit our juice bar and natural grocery stores and see why we are the place where healing and rejuvenation begin!

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Check Out Our Radio Show

“Health is Wealth” every Tuesday at 9am on WDAO 1210